IBPS RRB 2021 Recruitment: Bumper vacancies for PO, clerks, application process begins today – Know how to apply

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IBPS RRB 2021 Recruitment: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) released the notification for IBPS RRB PO and Clerk recruitment 2021 on its official website- ibps.in on Monday (June 7) and the application process will begin on Tuesday (June 8). 

There are a total of 10, 676 vacancies for officers and officer assistants. Out of the 10,676 vacancies, 5,076 vacancies are for office assistant, 4,206 for officer scale- 1 (assistant manager), 1,060 for officer scale 2 and 156 for officer scale 3 posts. Graduates who have a bachelor’s degree from a recognised university can apply for the posts. Aspirants are advised to read the official IBPS RRB notification carefully for detailed eligibility criteria before applying to become an officer or office assistant in regional rural banks of India.

IBPS RRB Recruitment 2021: Details of Vacancies

Office Assistant (Multipurpose) – 5076 vacancies

Officer Scale-I (Assistant Manager) – 4206 vacancies

Officer Scale-II – 1060 vacancies

Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer (Manager)

Officer Scale-II (Information Technology Officer)

 (Chartered Accountant)

Officer Scale-II (Law Officer)

Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager)

Officer Scale-II (Marketing Officer)

Officer Scale-II (Agriculture Officer)

Officer Scale-III – 156 vacancies

Total vacancies- 10676 

IBPS RRB Recruitment 2021: Application fee

Application Fees/ Intimation Charges (Online payment from 08.06.2021 to 28.06.2021 both dates inclusive). The application fee for each post is Rs 175/- for SC/ST/PWBD candidates. The application fee is Rs 850 for all other category candidates. 

How to apply for IBPS RRB Recruitment 2021:

Step 1: Visit the official website – ibps.in

Step 2: Cick on the application link scrolling on the top of the homepage

Step 3: Click on the relevant link for the post you want to apply

Step 4: Register yourself by providing the required information correctly

Step 5: Enter mobile number and email address 

Step 6: After registration, log in using the credentials

Step 7: Fill in the IBPS RRB form

Step 8: Pay the application fee

Step 9: Upload the required documents and submit the form

Source: DNA